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Post 2 made on Sunday April 4, 2004 at 23:39
Founding Member
February 2002
On 04/04/04 22:01, timshows said...
I am looking into home automation.

GREAT! Another competitor or DIY'er!

Doesnt anyone know anything about HAI?

Sure WE do, clearly YOU don't so what would you like to know? What would you like to do?

I have heard of Crestron,

Well...that's a GREAT start, since they're the biggest player in the industry, and advertise in knitting weekly!


NEVER heard of them...are they any relation to AMX. the SECOND biggest player in the industry?


Yup, heard of them too...although would put them a step BELOW Crestron and AMX...and more along the lines of HAI

but how do they all compare.

We should probably know what the hell you want to do! Do you want to have basic control of several different systems, and a kick ass security system, or do you want to turn on the third guest bedroom table lamp, turn up the hot tub, and turn on the snowmelt system from Istanbul, Turkey, all while watching the Elk walk across the meadow on your web-cam? Cause ALL the systems discussed here can (or can't) and will (or won't) do these things to different levels of ease (or difficulty)!

Thanks for any feedback.


In the future, before you show up on a forum like this, I would suggest you hone your "posters etiquette" a bit, so as not to offend the very people you're about to request free information from...

I, as well as MANY of the members here, are more than willing to answer your questions, but when they come out of the blue that's a good likelihood that you'll get half the responses you normally would, and moany more slightly perturbed one like mine!

Now, as for the questions I have asked in this reply, if you'd be so kind as to answer them, I'm sure we could ALL tell you LOTS about HAI!

"It might work better if it were plugged in and programmed first...just a thought!"

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