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Post 20 made on Friday October 1, 2004 at 04:38
Long Time Member
March 2004
Way to relent rhm9!

Good article Julie! I spend some of my time doing in-home repair on TVs. We are Runco warranty in my area but we also work on more run-of-the-mill stuff like Mits., Sony, Pioneer Elite. There are tons of a/v installers (and others that make that claim) here in Orange County California, and at one time or another, due to the repair work I do, I've seen all of their work. The range is shoddy to magnificent. And a/v "specialists" are not discluded from shoddy. Last month I saw a Yamaha RX-V1000 connected to a Mits WS-55907 with composite video only. There was an HD Motorola (think it was a 5100) and a DVD player in the system, all composite. The (poor ignorant) client was very happy with the system and the a/v company that installed it.

Ah, but I too digress. Julie, if you want people to comment on your good looks in a T&A thread, you're going to have to jump into a thong and pose on your elbows. :{)

This message was edited by HDTVJunkie on 10/01/04 04:45 ET.

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