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Post 99 made on Tuesday July 3, 2007 at 09:40
Mr. Stanley
Elite Member
January 2006
On July 2, 2007 at 18:56, ceied said...
rule #1 give the customer what he asks for. end of story.

and dont spend your money, spend with your clients.....

if a customer wants to spend 7k on a speaker and 20k on
a sub..... i will find his a 7k speaker and a 20k sub.............

Sure THAT's not a problem. But they should be properly set up, and if the customer has that kind of dough, some room treatment should have been put into the equation.
Those are simply superb speakers, but I can guarantee you they sound like crap under those room conditions.

Of course it's easy for us to view these pictures and be armchair experts! Kind of like Monday morning quarterbacks.
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Frank Lloyd Wright

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