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Post 13 made on Monday January 10, 2005 at 12:04
The Robman
Loyal Member
August 2001
On 01/09/05 23:17 ET, ofafan said...
There are 256 possible codes, so try 000 through
256. (Someone will be a stickler for detail here
and point out that that makes 257, but I am not
sure if 000 or 256 is a legitimate command, so
humor me.)

Anything above 255 is simply a repeat of the 000-255 codes, so EFC 256 sends the same signal as EFC 000, EFC 257 sends the same signal as EFC 001, etc, etc.

I tend to agree with John. It sounds like Tom accidentally sent an "EEPROM RESET" command to his TV, which would have cleared the TV's EEPROM's contents. This is somewhat similar to issuing a 981 reset on your remote. Once you've done the reset, there's no simple 9xx command that will restore it to how you had it, therefore you would need to re-load everything manually.

The fault here lies squarely with Advent so it should totally be up to them to make it right, at their expense.

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