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Post 1 made on Thursday May 26, 2005 at 08:24
Mr Griffiths
It's my lucky day!
February 2005
After spending more time on forums than is really good for you, I feel that I am reasonably qualified to comment on how good this Remote Central .Com site is.

I frequently get frustrated at little features OTHER sites do not have because I am used to them on Remote Central...

1 Remote Central is fast compared to many other sites

2 The site never seems to be down unlike others

3 The search feature actually works!

4 When a thread has multiple posts the first pages are shown then…….and then the last few pages. This feature is brilliant! I know it’s a tiny thing but it makes your site a joy to use

5 The fact you can use basic HTML

There are many other things about this site which are amazing but I don’t think I have taken the time to say thank you before.

I have noticed this page
At the top is a Pay pal link to make a donation.

I hope many of others feel the same way as myself and will and have rewarded you for all this site has given us all

Once again thanks

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