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Post 5 made on Thursday June 23, 2022 at 17:17
Senior Member
June 2004
Pretty sure this isn't geared for C4 users and that canned UI they use on everything, but that makes sense. I have been using all touch screen in my house for a decade now. All iPhones and iPads, except for one T2X in our master suite. I even repurposed a few iPod Touches just to have in a pinch.

I'm so used to no hard buttons, I don't even care anymore, but I know some people still love them. NEEO was a great idea, just no IR learning or custom graphics.

This remote is so different. Open sandbox in RTI with regard to graphics and pretty good customization in Crestron (even with limited Smart Graphics).

I am ordering an AVA and I'll post a review / video at some point.

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