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Post 2 made on Sunday December 6, 2020 at 13:29
Long Time Member
September 2002
My guess is that your remote is Bluetooth since it is a voice remote. Is there a "window" on the end of the remote? Open the camera on your phone and pretend to photograph the end of the remote. Then press a button on the remote. Do you see anything light up on the camera screen? Test with your Blu-ray remote. If IR, you'll see flashes.

You may have to try some/all of the Sony code sets in the MX software. I'd scroll down the list of possibilities and select something (maybe last) XBR one. Select one, when the next screen opens you can select "Test" which I think sends the "Power" code. Point the remote (while connected to the computer) toward the TV. If it turns on, click save. Then download to the remote and test all other buttons. I looked at a couple of the XBR-XXXX code sets and didn't see discrete for power. The "Generic IR Codes" at the top of the list contains discrete codes for P-On and P-Off that might work. I randomly selected [Sony 17] and it had discrete power and might work. Again, you'll need to do this by trial and error. You'll need to save and download the "Generic IR Codes" or [Sony 17], etc. codes sets to the remote for testing.

To use any code sets to just get discretes, put the code set on page 2 of main and hide the page. You can use the codes in programming but won't have to have buttons named for items you really don't use showing on the remote.

Looks like it will be trial and error. Or purchase a Sony XBR-77A9G compatible IR remote and learn the codes from it. Although I think I've read that Sony pretty much never changes codes.

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