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Post 1 made on Saturday December 5, 2020 at 17:22
Long Time Member
June 2005
I've been using MX-850 remotes for years. I recently got a Sony XBR-77A9G Android TV after getting tired of my 12yo Pioneer Kuro plasma to die.

I usually just end up teaching commands from original remotes to MX-850 buttons, but I can't get the new TV's remote (RMF-TX600U) to teach its codes for channel numbers, APPS, TV, etc. I was able to use my Sony Blu-Ray player's remote for the TV's power On/Off toggle and Input. Maybe the new remote isn't sending IR?

I was able to do a Live Update the MX-850 after reading on here to run the MX-850 Editor as Administrator (thanks!). The Firmware version is now " MX-850 Ver D2. 206 / October 21, 2009". The Universal Data is now "Version 1.92 / November 25, 2009".

Can someone please direct me to which of the Sony TV codes in this data would work my TV, or suggest how I can teach the MX-850 the codes it needs?


Last edited by jrh on December 6, 2020 11:02.

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