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Post 3,464 made on Monday June 22, 2020 at 10:27
Junior Member
June 2020
On June 19, 2020 at 16:41, Nueatit said...
Up here in southern Richmond Hill channel 17 WNED-TV on rf 31 was solid for many years, now it is very spotty, some days zero bars on meter when it used to be at 75%. Anyone else noticed anything or am I being blocked by towers along the lake?

Most other channels from USA are solid

It was on 43 for years and moved to 31 in March with a taller tower and increased power.

Forgive the obvious suggestion, but have you rescanned your channels since the March repack?

After the March repack, the signal is now so strong, it seems like it's practically next door to me (Toronto by the lake). It should still be pretty good in Richmond Hill.

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