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Post 5 made on Wednesday May 1, 2019 at 11:48
Archibald "Harry" Tuttle
Advanced Member
May 2009
On May 1, 2019 at 11:21, goldenzrule said...
I don't care how long they want me to be in their house.  I want to go home and have dinner with my wife.  I am ok with jobs taking longer then expected and I have to stay to finish.  I am not ok with scheduling jobs that guarantee I will be out late.

I get your point though about some people have no idea.  This is a client I have done a bit of work for.  They KNOW that it takes hours to do what we have to do.  They just want it to conform to their schedule.  I understand that, but again, I am not scheduling a job that will take us far outside of our business hours.  If one thing goes wrong on the job, we could be there till 9.  I am ok with scheduling something quick later, but not a full install.  I have done my fair share of trouble calls later, where in most cases I know it will be a quick fix.

Can't they hide a key so you can get started at a normal time? Afternoon starts on a big job sounds like Geek Squad business.
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