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Post 7 made on Monday March 11, 2019 at 13:11
Elite Member
June 2007
On March 11, 2019 at 12:05, Ernie Gilman said...
People like Fire Departments and Building and Safety Departments are a bit sticky about what you put on a door to open it that might, incidentally, keep it from opening in case of a fire and resultant loss of power.

You said you wanted something to close a door, so a magnetic door-holder-opener along with a spring or hydraulic closer sounded about right. Then you said you wanted to open the door with it. That's a lot harder to make safe.

I said my thought on the subject started because I needed to shut the door. The more I thought about it, opening the door would be good too. Usually doors do both.
Civil War reenactment is LARPing for people with no imagination.

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