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Post 19 made on Tuesday June 26, 2018 at 13:06
Duct Tape
Loyal Member
November 2008
On June 25, 2018 at 17:42, clemdia said...
Late to the thread, but related question:

Using the ATV 4th gen's remote learning feature does not prompt for learning two buttons: Home (the "tv" button to the right of Menu) and Siri (the microphone button). Any guidance on those two? Are they available as IR?

And before you jump on me: it appears that if Siri voice is turned off in the ATV's settings, the Siri/microphone button goes directly to the search screen - so it does serve a purpose without the Apple remote's built-in microphone

Siri is not available as an IR code.

To simulate the home button, all you need to do is adjust the repeats on the menu IR code.  crank that up to like 10 or so and it will hold the command long enough to simulate holding down the menu button, which will take you to the home screen.

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