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Post 2 made on Wednesday January 3, 2018 at 01:00
Lurking Member
January 2018
RS stands for recommended standard. In the 60's a standards committee now known as the Electronic Industries Association developed an interface to connect computer terminals to modems. Over the years this has been updated: the most commonly used version of the standard is RS232C (sometimes known as EIA232); the most recent is RS232E. The standard defines the electrical and mechanical characteristics of the connection - including the function of the signals and handshake pins, the voltage levels and maximum bit rate.

If RS232 is a standard why can't I just use a standard lead to connect together two RS232 ports and expect them to talk to one another? That's a good question. The answer is that the RS232 standard was created for just one specific situation and the difficulties come when it is used for something else. The standard was defined to connect computers to modems.

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Sharon Maxwell
CETPA Infotech Pvt Ltd

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