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Post 1 made on Sunday May 21, 2017 at 17:58
Loyal Member
July 2007
Today I received 4 texts from three different numbers over the course of the day.  First one read:

"Are you available to help ira with electronic repair in Stamford.  You have 1st priority.  Reply 1 if interested, 3 if not"  (phone number 650-727-7022)

Second text that came in read:

"Hi, a home owner in Stamford wants to get a quote for a home automation. You have 1st priority.  Reply 1 if interested, 3 if not"  (phone number 415-417-9971)

Third text read:

"Mira is requesting home automation in Stamford.  You have 1st priority.  Reply 1 if interested, 3 if not"  (same number as previous text)

On this one I replied 3 and texted do not contact me again.

Fourth text read:

"Just checking why you're not interested?  There's no monthly fee, and you can give quote online for free.  It is only a small fee for a guaranteed appointment" (phone number 650-695-4677)

I replied with:

"What is your company name, your name, phone number, and extension?"

Of course there was no reply.  I called the numbers and surprisingly they are not from Nigeria, but a "company" named Smith.  Website is with no spaces or underscores.  I am just not going to have a working link posted for their trash.

Has anyone else dealt with this?  I never signed up, showed interest, or even heard of them before.  Periodically, another one of these scam services pops up that texts.  Now they text from 3 different numbers in one day.  Wonderful.  So they are smart enough to know you cannot block more than several numbers so they just used a plethora of different numbers.

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