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Post 11 made on Wednesday January 11, 2017 at 13:54
Super Member
May 2003
On January 11, 2017 at 08:39, 3PedalMINI said...
On a side note, what's with the IN-App promos?

I did a tremendous amount of money with Sonos last year given the size of my shop, but I have to look out for my best interests and the interests of my clients at this point and have to look at other (now) viable options. Why did Sonos have to break what was great?

Whatever our (CI's) numbers were, it wasn't enough or we didn't grow our numbers enough. Sonos wants to step around us and cut out the middle man. In the marketing department's eyes, a customer should be "touched" periodically. If we don't "touch", then Sonos will "touch" and steal the customer. Of course, this will hasten our spiral downward because each of these "touch" sales is taken from our numbers and adds to the proof that we don't know what we are doing and we are not an asset for the long term. At best we can make the initial sale for Sonos. In a sense we are just commissioned sales staff and the boss will let us go if we don't make our numbers. Never mind that the boss is poaching our repeat sales (and eliminating the commission).

As I setup Sonos systems, I opt out of the promotions. Customers appreciate that. Evidently, Sonos does not.

Sonos tracks all sales and they know which systems each of us started. If they wanted, they could give us some sort of consideration when one of our customers purchases an add-on direct.

With regard to the "touch", my customers appreciate that I don't constantly bombard them with promotion. This is a major reason why they stay with me and recommend me to friends and associates. I just returned from a new referral site and, yes, there will be a new Sonos sale.

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