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Post 8 made on Friday September 9, 2016 at 12:42
Long Time Member
June 2016
On the MX-1200 I set up a Variable Integer to track current activity so that I can return to that activity no matter how many pages I've navigated away from it. I use a press/hold on the MX-1200's main button to go back to the current activities' device. I have eight activities and each has an integer number from 1 through 8. I set up a macro with if/thens that track which activity was chosen. I use the main button press/hold to go between main page or current activity. This Variable Integer is not present on the MX-990 and was wondering why it was removed or if in different location.

Also... Your picture doesn't show on 2 of my PCs.

Last edited by SRTShaker on September 9, 2016 12:59.
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