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Post 8 made on Sunday September 14, 2014 at 13:58
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001

I am VERY happy to see you took the plunge and stuck with it. My mother was a teacher and as a software engineer and a child of my Mom, I also like to help others grow and my hopes are that the nudge/guidance has led you down the path of building self-confidence and knowing that coding is somewhat like building a house, if you know what tools and use them for their intended purpose, things are much easier.

I have several threads over the years that I have posted, some with regard to direct questions and some with regard to thoughts or my "journey" through ProntoScript.

Some are on debugging topics using try/catch and others are just general things mapping the web environment back onto the Pronto. IIRC, that thread is entitled "But Really, what is ProntoScript".

Best of luck and I look forward to seeing you in the forums here for assistance with Script questions. I would also like to have feedback as to your "journey" and things you find that were awkward that others might also benefit from.

Now that you are building out your tool belt, if using PEP2, you might want to consider installing Jon Welfinger's simulator mod that will allow you to test on the Pronto Simulator with real TCP. Note that the simulator cannot test protected javascript.

Warm Regards,
Lyndel McGee
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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