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Post 7 made on Sunday September 14, 2014 at 10:18
Lurking Member
August 2011

Many thanks for the update it has highlighted my minor errors, clearly straight forward newbie mistakes when trying to achieve something more complex than my skill levels would allow at the time.

Along with your suggestions I've gone away and invested in the Flanagan book and spent a few more hours testing the code, and also used so thank you it now works well.

I removed the asynchronous code as you suggested as I'm receiving a definitive answer from the Panorama when the s.match code is sent.

I've tested it over and over and have now been able to strip the various codes from the return string and return those values based on the initial function call i.e. panoramatest("Volume");.

Now onto building a Volume indicator overlay!

I'm gaining a new respect for the power of my TSU9400 with extenders! It's not an iPad but I've got the power to make it work with my components!

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