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Post 7 made on Thursday September 4, 2014 at 11:39
Select Member
February 2009
Thanks Tom,
I have made comments below

On September 2, 2014 at 11:22, Tom Luczywo said...
More detail needed.
What is near the EX Gateway that would transmit RF noise?
How close?

The gateway and the router are in the same rack location. 2 feet away
Have you tried free tools such as InSSIDer?

I did use that and there wasn't anybody else but one neighbour that I could see.

Are there neighbors with Wi-Fi that could cause some interference?

There could be other RF interference going on that when combined with heavy downloading through Wi-Fi, makes the remotes lose connection.

Do both remotes exhibit the same connectivity issues at the same time?

Yes, both remotes
Also, does the symptom persist when heavy downloading AND the remotes are tested within 5 feet of EX Gateway?


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