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Post 4 made on Sunday March 16, 2014 at 20:47
Advanced Member
December 2013
On March 16, 2014 at 18:26, Gman said...
Would the discrete power work on the 800?

Only one way to find out....

Is that the only codes you need?

Note: These are x-learned harmony to ts1000 and checked with IRScrutinzer.
The input-tv was the only common command I could find in the harmony db (I can't believe I had to get out my harmony for this) across the e500/e800. This doesn't tell us anything because Harmony's db isn't exactly know for its robustness. However, the hex codes are the same for that command. Also, the commands are all within the same protocol and device. If you need more commands (if they even exist), I would hunt for the Sony master IR list in the files section. You already know the device # (not model).

Sony BDV-E500


P-On (obc=46)

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P-Off (obc=47)

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Input-DVD (obc=125)

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Input-TV (obc=106)

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Input-Next (obc=105)

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