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Post 168 made on Monday February 3, 2014 at 14:07
Lurking Member
January 2014
Thank you for the speedy reply. I tried both things and, unfortunately, neither worked.

I'm not sure if this helps, but I did a little experiment...I have another Samsung and another identical remote in my family room. That other remote has always been linked to a Samsung and worked fine from day 1. I brought it into the bedroom (where this new TV is) and it worked right away with the "in question" Cisco box and Samsung TV. (The "Exit" button worked fine.)

I then took the original "broken Exit" remote into the family room and tried it on the other Samsung TV (there is a Cisco DVR model RNG200N in that room). And the remote in question had the same "Exit" button issue out there too.

So I'm not sure what to do now? The broken remote is broken with two different Samsung TVs and two different Cisco boxes. And the functioning remote works fine in both locations.

Has there ever been a situation where there's no way to fix a remote and you just need to deal with calling Comcast to have them send a new one? From what other's have posted, I'm leery of dealing with them directly since it tends to result in long conversations that go in circles. But I'm stumped if there's anything else I can do (other than carry the one working remote from room to room as I go to bed each night haha).

Thanks again!

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