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Post 163 made on Saturday November 30, 2013 at 10:27
Lurking Member
November 2013
After no success with Comcast for what seemed like a call that would never end. I have Comcast set top box DCT6200/2005 that my remote no longer communicates with. Tried several options found here on this site (still much more helpful than the Comcast call), however I still have no success. I do believe I've found the codes to my remote. I have a red button remote - code = 01187. I also found an old grey button remote - code = 0476. However neither work with the set top box. I seem to get the correct blinks that the codes work. But even after following instructions to clear out old codes, resetting, etch. Still no success. My next option is to swap out remote at a local Comcast office. Also tried unplugging box for a few minutes but still no success. Any last suggestions?

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