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Post 2 made on Wednesday October 5, 2011 at 06:46
Long Time Member
October 2008
I like the URC MX-450 acutally - cant control it with a PC but its programming isn't hard and you can back it up on the pC>. Not rechrageable but so far- great battery life.

It has its own narrow band RF but I found with some hardware, the RF / IR system wont work b/c of the extra "bits" they send out in the RF stream. It is pretty annoying actually.

I spent a lot of time investigating Xsight - decided not to do it b/c they are now discontinued.

Next time- I'll be going for an ipad/ipod/iphone wifi remote... once that gets a little more dialed in.

For now, I went wired using Buffalo IR receiver and distribution.

The IR to RF to IR blaster pyramid things are no good-- been down that road. For me, the wired route was worth it until I can get what I want via WiFI.

1) I dont like Harmony b/c it wont do macro's
2) I don't like Xsight b/c it is discontinued... but the price is right if you want to gamble
3) I love URC but their RF caused me problems with one of my components- worth a gamble if you don't have a DishNetwork Over-The Air tuner called the DTVPal

Hope this helps.

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