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Post 17 made on Friday September 23, 2011 at 10:36
hd fan
Long Time Member
March 2006
I guess it was just a temporary fix thing then. I remember they and Bell TV were asking the CRTC for some kind of free Local TV service around the time that FreeHD (now BluSky HD, no longer free) was propossing the free HD satellite based service. Even if the OTA viewer who lost its local stations has to pay for the sat equipment and install , still giving this free locals to those viewer seems like a good approach under the circunstances. There is a Local TV Improvement Fund being collected by the BDU's from their subscribers (BTW it is not mandatory so the subscriber can call in and upt out , I acctually did more , I cancelled my service all together, lol) that together with the money collected from the auction from the freed RF spectrum is supposed to fund this TV "improvement" (depending where you live) but all I see on a national scale is the contrary.

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