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Post 11 made on Thursday March 31, 2011 at 16:24
Archibald "Harry" Tuttle
Advanced Member
May 2009
The internet is perfect for transporting movies. If it can handle all that spam and porn and government snooping, then it can certainly handle some Netflix.

The problem is that the companies responsible for the delivery of content should not also be able to provide content themselves.

For instance, here in Texass when electrical service was deregulated the companies that maintain the infrastructure(Centerpoint here in H) can't also offer retail electric services.

Same should go for cable companies. Comcast has a sweet franchise deal with the city, paying a monthly kickback to the city for every subscriber signed up.

Slightly OT, but I was on an iPort service call Tuesday when the Mrs. was complaining about cable going out... so we took a look and apparently the SA8300 got a firmware update and the new guide/GUI looks terrible. Looks like it's from around y2k. Mrs. wanted me to fix it back to the old style guide... had to explain that would be a conversation she needed to have with Comcast;)
I came into this game for the action, the excitement. Go anywhere, travel light, get in, get out, wherever there's AV trouble, a man alone.

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