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Post 9 made on Thursday March 31, 2011 at 14:11
Ernie Bornn-Gilman
Yes, That Ernie!
December 2001
You're not the evil guy at all.

On March 31, 2011 at 12:54, cpchillin said...
So I'll be the evil guy here and say that they should charge more for the people that use more bandwidth. My Grandmother sends me 10 forwarded emails a day and that's the only time she's on the internet. Should her bill go up because the guy next door streams music and movies all the time? Bandwidth costs money. As much as I hate a lot of the cable providers they do need to make money in order to expand their products and offerings. It's the same as on the cellular side. Streaming content is KILLING bandwidth.

I have said here, over and over, during at least the past two years, that the internet is not for transporting movies from place to place. That's just too much friggin' information, and it's entirely different in character from most internet usage.

I'd like to see a totally different type of domain name or category, such as wwm (world wide movies, not web), with its own separate charges. Require the cable companies and other ISPs to separate Grandma's occasional email from the ALWAYS high volume movie services!
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