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Post 3 made on Monday June 14, 2010 at 11:33
Long Time Member
April 2008
I believe I am the best project manager in the world and that there is no job that I cannot do. If I do not know how to do something- I am a quick learner.

Those two lines are in opposition to each other. Personally I would drop the "I'm the best project manager in the world. A prospective employer will make that call themselves. You can list some positive attributes - quick learner being one of them.

You also need to flip flop the top two jobs. You always want you current job on top, and work down.

While you could leave in the private pilot information (it shows your level of detail and focus), I would take out the acrobat training. It has no relavance in this type of job and makes it sound like you are boasting.

Actually there are several items in there that IMHO cross the fine line between stating facts and experiences and boasting about yourself. No prospective employer wants to hire an ego maniac.

Good luck! I know it can be tough in this job market.

Last edited by sic0048 on June 14, 2010 11:51.
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