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Philips Pronto Professional

For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Ron van Hoof
Ron's TSU9400 XCF
v4.0 for PEP2. A complete redesign of my original TSU2000 CCF file to utilitize the additional space and additional hard buttons present on the TSU9400. Co-ordinated the color usage in the design with silver buttons representing buttons most used in an activity and blue buttons identifying settings control or buttons rarely used in that activity.

Includes My Database file. Also includes a bitmap gallery with a selection of customized buttons. Silver transport control buttons similar to the blue buttons present in the default gallery. Power buttons. Red exit button. 3-button bevels and some panel cluster items. Transport bevels and backgrounds. Green Vista-like progress bar. Some labels.

Updated: March 08, 2009  Size: 3.41mb

For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Frank Lindner
Frank Lindner's TSU9400
Here is my first vision of the Philips Pronto TSU9400 remote control. The design is a combination of elements from the original Pronto Database and buttons/backgrounds created by myself. I hope you like it.
Updated: June 08, 2009  Size: 7.34mb
Nyko PS3 Remote BluWave
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: David Sylvester
Component XCF file for IR control of the PS3 using Nyko's IR remote and USB dongle. Allows for PS3 integration into a TSU9600/9400 with the purchase of the Nyko BluWave remote and USB/IR interface.
Updated: September 30, 2007  Size: 158kb
Sony Game System Playstation 3
(Remote model Nyko 83040-F09)
For: Pronto TSU9600
By: Francois Despres
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: February 04, 2009  Size: 3.78mb
Sony Game System Playstation 3
(Remote model Nyko Blu Wave)
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Ron van Hoof
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: March 08, 2009  Size: 3.41mb
Sony Game System Playstation 3
(Remote model Nyko Blu Wave)
For: Pronto TSU9400
By: Frank Lindner
Part of a complete system XCF file.
Updated: June 08, 2009  Size: 7.34mb
URC MX/TX Text Series
Nyko PlayStation 3 Remote BluWave
For: URC MX-900
By: MikeV
Device file for a Nyko BluWave IR remote for the PS3.
Updated: March 07, 2008  Size: 4kb
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