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 Files > Pronto NG > Other > Designs > Fun & Games (Details)
File Details & Download

Designed for:
Philips ProntoPro NG TSU7000
Submitted by:
Daniel Tonks
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File Rating:
100% (1 vote)
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Galaxy NG Color
v1.02 Based on a three by three grid, the goal in Galaxy NG is to get from one planet surrounded by black holes to the reverse: one black hole surrounded by a ring of planets. Each time you click on a planet, it along with all adjacent spaces swap their states. Planets turn into black holes, and black holes into planets.

This full-screen full-color game encompasses over 3,300 buttons, 2,800 frames, 500 pages and (for speed concerns on the remote) 8 devices. Wondering what to do with all that memory on your 32mb ProntoPro NG? Well, this will push you closer to full by 7 percent... Includes a file for the Marantz RC9500.

Please read the README.TXT file for crucial information on how to correctly install this game (otherwise it won't work).
Updated:March 21, 2005
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