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For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Neil Barnett
My System Family with a Star Trek Theme
Includes Panasonic Plasma, Yamaha Amp, HDMI Switch Box, HD-DVD Player, Satellite Receiver by SKY, DVD Recorder and the almost obsolete Apple Hi-Fi.
Updated: January 02, 2010  Size: 4.30mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Claudio Santulli
Claudio Santulli's Current PCF
v5.03 Made some layout and funtionality changes, for easier handling. Added new components. Contains a large image library of fullscreen background images. And lots of new custom made buttons and modified buttons. New HD digital sound format logos. Some minor tweaks and fixes, and some cleaned up codes!
Updated: November 04, 2008  Size: 6.92mb

For: Marantz RC5400
By: Richard Treese
Richard Treese's System
Now supports a Panasonic plasma and Accutek fan. Includes more involved macros. I got many of the bitmaps from this site and created custom ones; some which are made from pictures of my equipment to use as buttons or graphics. I also made some fairly elaborate macros to track my actions such as change sound modes, switch inputs, adjust volume for an input, turn on or off devices for a particular action, and navigate pages automatically to follow an action.
Updated: August 18, 2007  Size: 544kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Jason Bates-Brownsword
Jason's Australian Colour Pronto
Aussie full colour file for colour Prontos, includes macros to turn on and off whole system with questions if device is already switched on. Easy to navigate with Australia TV channel logos.
Updated: March 23, 2007  Size: 281kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Adam Nagy
Adam's Easy-To-Use PCF
This file was made to be simple enough for all to use. It takes care of all the functions in my houe including my MCE PC which is used as my HTPC. Soon I will post a file which is multi room. I tried to combin all the best elements from what I have seen on here and bring it into one. It works quite well for my needs.
Updated: October 23, 2005  Size: 1.11mb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Ivor Hewitt
Ivor Hewitt's System Layout
This archive includes my personal PCF file for the Philips Pronto NG RU9500/100 LCD touchscreen remote control. This is a completely original and full-screen design.
Updated: June 05, 2005  Size: 156kb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Richard Peters
Richard Peters' ProntoPro NG
First of all, a big thank you to Mike Ventimiglia's and his 'Envision' which was the inspiration for my first Pronto NG setup. I however had to start from scratch for backgrounds and menu buttons so I could customise everything for my equipment (Sky+ etc). In keeping with a simple layout I don't think I need to explain how this setup works, if I needed to do that the remote would be too hard to operate I feel. Plus I think you'll enjoy exploring the menus yourselves. I have designed everything so you can never really get 'lost'. Some of the features though, include: 1) Colour coded backgrounds for each area so you know where you are at a glance. 2) All devices can be fully operated from one screen. 3) Over 20 custom made 'menu' buttons each with a pressed and released state. 4) Very clear and intuative layout making it easy for anyone to operate and reduce the chance of getting lost. 5) A nice little animation of sorts as the system is turned on and off. There are a couple of things I have not finished yet. If anyone would like a photoshop psd file of the master menu button or background so you can quickly make your own changes to suit your equipment (replace pictures of my amp/plasma etc with ones of your own) then please feel free to email me.
Updated: February 07, 2005  Size: 1.71mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Erik Rodewald
Erik Rodewald's Ferrari PCF
A complete system PCF with a Ferrari theme.
Updated: October 02, 2004  Size: 3.11mb

For: Philips ProntoPro NG
By: Roddy McGavin
Roddy McGavin's Color PCF
A complete system PCF file for the following devices.
Updated: October 02, 2004  Size: 384kb

For: Philips Pronto NG
By: Tony Prince
Tony Prince's Clear PCF
Button/text legibility was the key criteria in the design of this PCF, which was based on my previous RC5200 CCF. Another vital design criteria was the ability to alter most amp/monitor/lighting settings from within each device. Discrete codes are used throughout, as are macros to automate processes. UK folk with the SKY+ DSS/PVR may find the design/channel logos of interest. To summarise: spouse & eyesight friendly, high functionality, low in sex appeal.
Updated: March 31, 2004  Size: 1.29mb
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