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Your search found 197 matching files.
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Onkyo Receiver TX-8211
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dan Cole
Part of a device collection CCF file.
Updated: July 30, 1999  Size: 62kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-8511
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dan Cole
Part of a device collection CCF file.
Updated: July 30, 1999  Size: 62kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-DS474
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dan Cole
Part of a device collection CCF file.
Updated: July 30, 1999  Size: 62kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-DS575
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dan Cole
Part of a device collection CCF file.
Updated: July 30, 1999  Size: 62kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-SV373
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dan Cole
Part of a device collection CCF file.
Updated: July 30, 1999  Size: 62kb
Device Collections - Dan Cole's Device Collection
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Dan Cole
A single CCF file containing 60 devices with over 150 panels!

CD Players
Denon DCM-5000 100-Disc
Onkyo DX-C540 6-Disc

DSS Systems
Sony SAT-A3
Sony SAT-A4

DVD Players
Denon DVD-2500
Sony DVP-S500D
Sony DVP-S530D
Sony DVP-S550D
Sony DVP-S600D

Adcom GTP-450
Adcom GTP-740DTS

Denon AVR-1600
Denon AVR-1700
Denon AVR-3600
Onkyo TX-8211
Onkyo TX-8511
Onkyo TX-DS474
Onkyo TX-DS575
Onkyo TX-SV373

Hitachi 27CX28B
Hitachi 27FX48B
Hitachi 36FX48B
Hitachi 36SDX88B
Hitachi 36UX58B
JVC AV-20020 20"
JVC AV-20021 20"
JVC AV-27920 27"
JVC AV-27950 27"
JVC AV-27D200 27"
JVC AV-32020 32"
JVC AV-32D200 32"
JVC AV-32D800 32"
JVC C-13910 13"
JVC C-13911 13"
JVC C-20910 20"
Sony KP-53XBR200 RPTV
Sony KV-13M30
Sony KV-13M51
Sony KV-20V80
Sony KV-27FV15 (WEGA)
Sony KV-32XBR2... (more)

Updated: July 30, 1999  Size: 62kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-DS989
For: Philips TSU2000
By: DJ
Part of a complete system CCF file.
Updated: March 05, 2002  Size: 84kb

For: Philips TSU2000
By: DJ
DJ's Complete System
A combination of frames and graphics from downloaded galleries and original designs. Deisgned for simple every day use, with full replication of remotes provided behind the scenes. All TV stations are Australian free-to-air or satellite from Optus B3. Some unique macros which allow Davis projectors (Im using a DLX-10, but i think they are all the same) to direct access inputs, rather than having to use mouse mode.
Updated: March 05, 2002  Size: 84kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-DS797
(Remote model RC-460M)
For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Brett DiMichele
Part of a complete color system CCF file.
Updated: December 26, 2001  Size: 130kb

For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Brett DiMichele
Brett's Big Easy CCF
This system CCF is loosely modeled after the RCA universal learning remotes. It features large and easy-to-read buttons that are logicaly placed in order of impotance. All art work is original and each button has an active and inactive .bmp associated with it. At the top of each device pannel there is a direct device jump area which saves you from having to use the drop down device menu all the time. Special features include X10 lighting control and One Touch Macro's.
Updated: December 26, 2001  Size: 130kb
Onkyo CD Player DX-6370
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Markus Emmert
Part of a complete system CCF file from Germany.
Updated: August 07, 2002  Size: 124kb
Onkyo Receiver TX-DS777
(Remote model RC-392M)
For: Philips TS-1000
By: Markus Emmert
Part of a complete system CCF file from Germany.
Updated: August 07, 2002  Size: 124kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Markus Emmert
Markus Emmert's System
A complete system CCF from Germany.
Updated: August 07, 2002  Size: 124kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Steve Epley
Steve Epley's RC5200 CCF
A complete multi-room system CCF file optimized for the RC5200's larger screen area.
Updated: January 16, 2002  Size: 44kb
Onkyo DVD Player DV-C601
For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Jay Forbes
Part of a complete system CCF file.
Updated: December 16, 2002  Size: 186kb
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