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IR Programs - IR Tool Modified
For: All Models
By: Dan Arnold
IR Tool originally written by Glenn Clapp and modified by Dan Arnold to work with John Fine's DecodeIR.DLL. A dialog box pops up with Protocol, Device, OBC and EFC. Once that box is closed the original code will decode the same hex file. Given that DecodeIR is much more current any conflicting information with the dialog box should be ignored. Requires the DecodeIR.DLL file, available separately.
Updated: June 15, 2003  Size: 18kb
IR Programs - IR Tool
For: All Models
By: Robert Collins
v1.3 IRTool v1.3 is the original IRTool by Glenn Clapp and modified to also encode/decode Xantech IR-X10 IR commands. The entire Xantech IR-X10 command set can be decoded and encoded by this version of the tool.
Updated: January 19, 2006  Size: 85kb
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