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 Files > Pronto > Systems > Original (Details)
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Designed for:
Philips Pronto TS-1000
Submitted by:
Giles Renouf
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Giles Renouf's Custom CCF
A multi-room system with a central A/V cabinet. Screen Graphics are custom designed to use a 3x3 grid, so they're easy for "fat finger" button selection and only provided the needed options at any given time. Other features include a party mode, power on/off on the home page, labeled IR codes, long macros with informative beeps, plus all channel logos created to fit on the 3x3 grid. All equipment picked for suitable I.R. functionality. Graphics only use white, dark grey and black (no light grey) to enable less sensitive use of screen contrast.

Components in this system:
Amplifier 1:Marantz PM4000
Amplifier 2:NAD C350
CD:Onkyo DX-C380
DSS:Panasonic Sky Digibox
DVD:Sony DVP-S725D
Lighting:Lutron Graphic Eye
Receiver 1:Sony STR-DB940
Receiver 2:Technics SA-EX140
Television 1:Sony KV-32FC60Z
Television 2:Samsung CI-3352X
Television 3:Sony
Tuner:Denon TU-260L MkII
VCR:Panasonic NV-HD620
Updated:August 01, 2005
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