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 Files > Pronto > Other > Utilities > SuperNudelist > Focus
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For: All Models
By: Lyndel McGee
v2.0.0.8 Official The ultimate tool for CD and DVD megachanger integration into your Pronto remote. Major features: Updated UI with new sort capabilities. List links and hard buttons can now be set to point to both Home Page and Macro pages. New support for "Favorites" sub-list. Reference a set of favorite discs from the Alphabet page. New support for surround field and aspect ratio assignable at the disc level. New support for GIF filenames in the icon subsystem. All header buttons now have pressed and unpressed color selections. Provide ability to not send IR commands for disc and/or track selection controlled by settings in the SNL player definition. See the MS Word documentation for complete details. Extras: MS Word documentation; SNL JumpStart package also included.
Updated: September 02, 2005  Size: 2.89mb
DVDProfiler2SNL Import Package
For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Lyndel McGee
v1.01 This zip file contains a VBScript with command-line options to import a DVDProfiler XML Export directly into SuperNudelist to the List of your choosing. Users also have the ability to override both Genre (Artist) and DVD (Disc) names during import.
Updated: March 30, 2004  Size: 15kb
Andy's Disc Management Companion
For: Philips TSU2000
By: Andy Dillon
This guy is a simple Excel disc management companion to the SuperNudeList utility that makes it a little easier to manage my DVDs. I think it's fairly self-explanatory but if you have questions, feel free to ask (I've included the current state of my DVD collection so you can get an idea of how everything works). Just give it a whirl to see if you like it and feel free to make any improvements.
Updated: August 01, 2003  Size: 70kb
Tom's SNL Graphics
For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Tom Lally
This file contains the graphics I use to generate my SNL devices. The original buttons are modeled after Dale Crawford's work and also some custom graphics provided by Lyndel McGee for my alphabet panels.
Updated: March 16, 2003  Size: 935kb
Lyndel's "Rainbow" Graphics
For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Lyndel McGee
These images follow the same theme of the original SuperNudelist B&W images yet they are done in color. Included are custom "Rainbow" headers, Red and Blue Strips/Buttons, and an Yellow-Orange Alphabet button. The images are designed to be used with either the ProntoPro or RC9200 using the standard SNL Layouts.
Updated: March 14, 2003  Size: 10kb
Carl's "Disk" Graphics
For: Philips ProntoPro
By: Carl Chapman
The zip file contains the BMPs for the disk-based theme that I am using. It takes a bit of tweaking to choose the complimentary colors in the "advanced options" section of the edit list dialog in SNL. I am by no means a graphics artist or expert. The humble effort that I have made to create something useful would have been impossible without the base graphics work of Lyndel McGee.
Updated: March 07, 2003  Size: 37kb
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