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Complete System Setup Files

For: Marantz RC9200
By: Paul Rowlands
Paul Rowlands' Color RC9200 CCF
A lot of the items are updated from my RC5000 CCF. As usual features a selection of "borrowed" and original graphics. I've updated some of the graphics, and re-thought some layout & logical sequencing. Also, as usual, there are still some work in progress items.
Updated: January 26, 2005  Size: 260kb

For: Marantz RC5200
By: Tony Prince
Tony Prince's Easy-To-See CCF
My upgraded large screen RC5200 CCF submission. The focus remains on button legibility and operation (for older folk like me) with large buttons/pads & 14 pt plus typeface. I have compensated for lack of sex appeal by producing a design which, thanks to extensive use of macros, is fully automated and easy to use. Supports lighting control via X10 & Lutron Telume, as well as the normal A/V equipment. I have adopted the 3 tier system of aliasing buttons to IR codes to enable simple substitution with other AV equipment. Now a fairly elaborate and complex program.
Updated: August 03, 2003  Size: 73kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Andy Merrill
Andy Merrill's Very Squarey CCF
Well, it has been over a year since my last design hit Remote Central. Generally the old design worked well, but my recent addition of a SkyPlus box and I>Play triggered a redesign. Hope you enjoy the squareness of it all!
Updated: December 02, 2001  Size: 22kb

For: Philips TS-1000
By: Giles Renouf
Giles Renouf's Custom CCF
A multi-room system with a central A/V cabinet. Screen Graphics are custom designed to use a 3x3 grid, so they're easy for "fat finger" button selection and only provided the needed options at any given time. Other features include a party mode, power on/off on the home page, labeled IR codes, long macros with informative beeps, plus all channel logos created to fit on the 3x3 grid. All equipment picked for suitable I.R. functionality. Graphics only use white, dark grey and black (no light grey) to enable less sensitive use of screen contrast.
Updated: August 01, 2005  Size: 49kb
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