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 Files > Pronto Professional > Systems > Original (Details)
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Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Submitted by:
André du Fresne
Show author's email address.
File Rating:
100% (1 vote)
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Contest Entry #02: Prototypes
GRAND PRIZE WINNER! The idea behind Prototypes is: how might a hard-buttoned remote control look if it were designed specifically for watching TV, DVD or PVR?

Change stations from an elegant chrome sphere placed on your couch table, control your DVD player via a device that is quite similar to today’s business phones, or switch your PVR with a PDA-like gadget. Or wouldn’t a keychain remote control for your receiver be pretty cool?

Prototypes features elegant near-photorealistic graphics, dynamic transitions, help screens for every device and intuitive navigation. If you don’t own a TSU9600 to test this on, please don’t only watch the graphics on the simulator, but take a peek at the full resolution graphics.

I hope you like this design – any feedback would be gladly appreciated!
Updated:April 29, 2007
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