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 Files > Pronto Professional > Other > ProntoScripts > Games (Details)
File Details & Download
Pronto Pong
Designed for:
Philips Pronto Professional TSU9600
Submitted by:
Lyndel McGee
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File Rating:
100% (2 votes)
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v1.0.1 This should bring back memories. This new ProntoScript game outlines several useful features of scripting. The features specifically outlined are:
  1. Object Oriented JavaScript using Prototypes.
  2. Retrieving/Manipulating widgets using the Configuration File (CF) widget() function.
  3. Toggling Firm Key label based on Game Status.
  4. Illustrates one use of the Activity.scheduleAfter() method.
  5. Includes transparent panel tagged with name '_PS_DEBUG' to facilitate debug/display of any error messages that might occur.
This game was adapted quicly from an HTML-Javascript based game. Port to ProntoScript was quite easy. The ProntoScript for this game is divided into 3 parts.
  1. The Pong Game object and 'pong' variable in the Activity Script.
  2. The Pong Game initialization code in the Page Script.
  3. The Game Toggle functionality coded in Firm1 Button Script.
I've also included a custom Activity Icon (small) such that you can incorporate a button wherever you like. Enjoy!
Updated:July 22, 2007
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