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 Files > URC Text Series > Systems > All > K
There are 105 System Files.
3 authors begin with the letter K.
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Activity Based, Macro Driven
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Gerald Koth
This is the type of macro driven activity based Main Screen I use for all my remotes. One button push turns on and sets the inputs and outputs for all of the components required for a given activity. Once an activity is started there are other macros to switch between activities. And finally a macro to turn the system off from the current activity. I usually put together a rough flow chart to aid in getting the macros right.
Updated: December 25, 2006  Size: 20kb
Dr. Khalid's MX-950 Setup
For: URC MX-950
By: Dr. Khalid
This is combo learned and stock codes customized and working great with macros.
Updated: July 12, 2006  Size: 24kb
Roger Kaufmann's MXF Setup
For: HTM MX-700 (System)
By: Roger Kaufmann
A complete system MXF file with the following devices.
Updated: May 04, 2003  Size: 20kb
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