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TSU7000 vs. TSU7500
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Post 1 made on Saturday January 25, 2020 at 10:38
Len Jacobson
Founding Member
May 2002
I have had and enjoyed using the TSU7000 for just over 15 years. Recently, one hard button (Volume Down) stopped working and I bought the TSU7500 on eBay.

I moved the configuration I had been using over to the new TSU7500.

But now I see that the hard cursor buttons don't work as they should. Instead, they cause a change in the screen being displayed on the TSU7500.

I have compared the IR codes for the four cursor movements (viz., UP, RIGHT, DOWN, and LEFT) and they are identical to what was on the TSU7000.

The five vertical hard buttons (viz., CHAN UP, CHAN DOWN, MUTE, VOL +, and VOL -) work correctly. I haven't tested the remaining four hard buttons that surround the cursor buttons.

Must I reteach these buttons on the TSU7500? If so, why is that necessary?

There is one other issue that may be related to what I have written here.

When I run the ProntoProEdit NG software and use the Simulator function, the image appears of the TSU7500 on my screen, and in a few moments a message appears on that screen that says:
The CF Version is not correct or the memory is corrupt

It doesn't seem to matter if I use the Tools => Options => Select Control Panel => TSU7000 or TSU7500 option. Both result in the same error message.

Thanks for any suggestions or directions you can offer.

Len Jacobson
Post 2 made on Sunday January 26, 2020 at 12:10
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
The NG forum is where you need to be posting these issues. (I can move the thread if you like).

For differences between 7000 and 7500, a quick google yielded this.

For your first issue, go into the firmware settings on the remote and turn off 'Cursor Mode'. That will solve your problem.

For the second issue, ensure you are running PPENG in Administrator mode. Not sure if this will correct it. Will also help us if you can give us more information about the OS and architecture of the machine on which you are running. Win7 32 bit for example.

Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester
OP | Post 3 made on Sunday January 26, 2020 at 15:14
Len Jacobson
Founding Member
May 2002

Thank you so much for telling how to correct the cursor control problem. Your suggestion worked perfectly!!

I am running the ProntoProEdit NG program on a Windows XP Pro laptop.

As to running the program in Administrator mode, It is not obvious to me how to insure that I am running in Administrator mode. There is no "right-click" on the file name and a choice to "Run as Administrator". When I right click on the file name, there is a "Run As ..." option. I choose that and that opens a new window with two choices:

(1) Current User (which is my account)

(2) The following user

If I choose "The following User", my choices then are "Administrator" and my own user account. Choosing "Administrator", I enter my own account's password and it rejects the login. Choosing my own account and then running the program does not solve the "CF Version is not correct or the memory is corrupt" problem.

The one and only account on the computer is my own account and it says I am the Administrator.

So, as I say, I am not sure how to run the program as Administrator.

Sorry I am not more helpful.

OP | Post 4 made on Sunday January 26, 2020 at 17:55
Len Jacobson
Founding Member
May 2002

I'm sorry -- I just realized I did not respond to your very first sentence.

Yes, please move this thread to the Philips Pronto NG Family forum.

Thank you.

Len Jacobson
Post 5 made on Monday November 9, 2020 at 22:05
Junior Member
November 2020
thanks for sharing
Post 6 made on Tuesday November 10, 2020 at 23:22
Lyndel McGee
RC Moderator
August 2001
On January 25, 2020 at 10:38, Len Jacobson said...
I have had and enjoyed using the TSU7000 for just over 15 years. Recently, one hard button (Volume Down) stopped working and I bought the TSU7500 on eBay.

I moved the configuration I had been using over to the new TSU7500.

But now I see that the hard cursor buttons don't work as they should. Instead, they cause a change in the screen being displayed on the TSU7500.

I have compared the IR codes for the four cursor movements (viz., UP, RIGHT, DOWN, and LEFT) and they are identical to what was on the TSU7000.

The five vertical hard buttons (viz., CHAN UP, CHAN DOWN, MUTE, VOL +, and VOL -) work correctly. I haven't tested the remaining four hard buttons that surround the cursor buttons.

Must I reteach these buttons on the TSU7500? If so, why is that necessary?

There is one other issue that may be related to what I have written here.

When I run the ProntoProEdit NG software and use the Simulator function, the image appears of the TSU7500 on my screen, and in a few moments a message appears on that screen that says:
The CF Version is not correct or the memory is corrupt

It doesn't seem to matter if I use the Tools => Options => Select Control Panel => TSU7000 or TSU7500 option. Both result in the same error message.

Thanks for any suggestions or directions you can offer.

Len Jacobson

I think I answered this earlier this year but I will do so again just to wrap this up.

To fix this issue, do a File->Save As... and in the file types dropdown, ensure that you are saving the file for a TSU7500 and not a TSU7000. There are other file types there as well such as the European Models RU990 or whatever it is.

In order for you to download a file to the 7500 or simulate it, it must be saved as a 7500 configuration. (The System Project type and the file type must match).
Lyndel McGee
Philips Pronto Addict/Beta Tester

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